
The four elites headed back to the Academy but as soon as they arrived, they were captured by Lodomore and his accomplices. They were locked in four different dark dungeons. Locking them together would be a mistake.

"How could I be so careless?" cursed Zyda, stamping her foot on the wall.

"Help me this time Winx, " pleaded Zyda. Her necklace lit up as a tiny Zyda transformed from the necklace.

"So how do you want me to be of help?" asked Winx nonchalantly, her little as crossed.

"Get us out of here," shrugged Zyda.

"Ugh! fine. Just this once."


Crashed the large iron gate as Zyda got out. This alert the rest as a few masked guards charged at her. She effortlessly fought them as they lied on the floor lifelessly. She suddenly felt tired but she knew she had to find her friends.

"Energy replenish!" she commanded.

"Ugh! Winx do I have to be so misfortunes?" she frowned.