Origin Of Your Existence

Zyda asked in stupor, "Who are you?" 

"You'll soon know," said the girl, staring at Zyda mysteriously. 

Zyda patiently stared at the girl, nonetheless, she couldn't shake off the fear in her heart. What was she scared of, truth? The girl who meticulously stared at her, knew what was in her mind, however, she didn't seem to be bothered about it. All she knew was that she had to tell the truth. 

"To begin with, my name is Ari, I am you and you are me. Most of the people regard me as your Elementalist soul," she said, her face solemn. 

Zyda confusedly stared at her, "What do you mean you're me?" 

"Relax, let me finish the story and you'll understand, is that ok? If you aren't ready to know your origin, you can leave anytime but there's a cost," she warned, casting her a knowing look and then swiftly crossed her arms. 

Zyda remained silent for quite some time and then retorted, "Ok I'll listen."