Ari's Second Vision: You Can't Love Him

**Ari's Vision**

"Have you finally seen them?" He asked, his lips closer to hers and a little bit closer and they would connect. Zyda saw the emotions in his eyes, pain, longing, regret. At the same time, she found herself drowning in those emotions. The distance between them slowly faded to proximity. Her lips met his, warmth invaded her at the speed of lightning. His light kiss of a feather was gentle yet Zyda seemed to be intoxicated from it. 

Bersil cast a last glance at Zyda's face before closing his eyes, drowning in the desires that he hid for a long time. Bliss cascaded down his blood vessels, forcing his heart to race uncontrollably. How he longed and wished for this moment. Bersil deepened the kiss, making Zyda feel hot and weak. If it wasn't for his arm around her waist that supported her, she would have fallen.