I'm back.

Zyda spent the entire evening in her room, consoling her broken heart. She knew what she did was cruel but how could she refute Ari's orders? Till now she didn't understand why Ari didn't allow her to be with Bersil. The saying being with the one you love is costly was indeed true. As her body sunk into the mattress, she gazed at the ceiling as if seeking comfort from the heavens. Just like that, her pleas were accepted as sleep claimed her. 

Meanwhile, Ari silently commiserated at Zyda's thoughts. Knowing that she was still in pain but due to the frequent quests that kept her busy, she didn't have time to think about personal pain and Bersil. For a moment, she wished she could erase her memories but that would sound too selfish. She knew she had only one option left.