
SHINA woke up in a dark place. It was familiar but she cannot almost remember where it was. And then she saw her. Sitting near a rock that was blocking the ray of sun from coming in.

The woman sat there mumbling something. Shina walked towards the woman to hear her more clearly. As she began to get closer at the woman, there was something familiar, something close to her heart. The figure in front of her was none other than their mother!

She ran towards her but she stopped her tracks as a dark aura was circling her mother.

"Mother!" She called but it seems that she cannot hear.

A shiver went down her spine when Izanami laughed. The moment she stopped was the moment Izanami snapped her head towards her. A creepy smile appeared on her lips as black mucus started to spill from her mouth. Her eyes were bloodshot and were crying blood, too.

Izanami started to stand up and creepily walked towards her. It was then she started to clearly hear what she was muttering about.

"Together with the seal, I curse you! I curse you and all the Gods, Goddess, and Deities. That if ever you fall in love with someone, they will not be able to see their lovers' faces. Love will take them to oblivion. Roaming in the depths of the darkness and never be reincarnated. I curse you and all the love in this world. The curse will be lifted, the day I leave this damning oblivion. Only then!"

With her screeching voice, she lounged at her. She may be her mother but due to the fear that started to build from her heart, she used her power to shoved her away.


It was the voice of Yu calling into her. And then Izanami was gone.


SHINA jolt awake. Was it a dream? It felt too real to be a dream. She looked around looking for Yu. She was certain that she heard Yu calling her but alas, he was not beside her.

The sun rays were seeping thru the spaces of the window sill. But still, there was no Yu.

She slowly got up and wrapped her body with the kimono not too far away from her. Their room was still the same, the night when they got in.

{Was he in the bathroom?}

Again, Yu was not there. She fixed herself before going out of their house, she took a trip around their house. Down to the well, but even his shadow was not there.

She then saw the other old men of the village. They were worried that I was walking alone but she didn't mind as she was looking for her husband. But even them, they haven't seen her husband.

{Where have you gone, Yu?}

Then a smile curved on her lips. There was only one place he would go now. She almost ran to where he first took her. To his paradise. To their paradise.

She was so ecstatic that Yu might have a surprise to her thus not minding using her powers so she could have come faster. She flew her way up to the mountain and just stoping a few meters away from the cliff. She then walked her way thru, searching her way.

The warm and bright sun blinded her but that didn't stop her anticipation. "Yu!" She called but no one answered. And when she opened her eyes, there was no Yu. Just the warm sun and cool breeze.

Her heart sank. Her heart started to ache as fear started to eat her.

"Naru," she called to her brother. "Naru!" She shouted.

And as fast as the wind, her brother was beside her. Disheveled and worried was all over his face. "Shina, what happened? What are you doing here this early and alone? Where's Yu?"

"Naru," she started crying the moment the questions poured into her. "I…I can't find him. I can't find him. Yu is gone."

"What do you mean?" Naru asked as he kneeled and cradled his sister to his arms. "You were together last night, right?"

"He was gone when I woke up." Shina started. "I looked for him but everyone said that they didn't see Yu. They even thought he was still with me. Naru."

Then she stopped talking. All of her dreams. The curse. She then looked at Naru. She clasped at her brother's kimono, "Megumi. Where's Megumi?"

"She's with her family. Why? What has Megumi got to do with this?"

"Have you told her you love her?"

"Love her? Who told you I—"

"Tell me?!" she shouted at him. Damn with his tsundere personality but she got to know.

"No. I haven't told her anything."

Shina then started to cry. If it was relief or understanding of what was happening, she doesn't know. All she knew that her heart was so afraid of what was happening right now.

"Mother," she then said. "I dreamt of her. And she cursed us all."

Naru was confused for a moment then Shina started to explain what she had dreamt. Naru's face turned pale as he stumbled on his feet.

"Do…Do you think what I've dreamt was real?"

"I don't know, Shina. But there's only one thing to do." Naru said as darkness falls on his face. "We should go back from where this all had started."

Shina could only agree.


Shina and Naru flew the fastest they could do to go back to where were they came from. They stopped atop the mountain where the cave was.

They have slowly gone down as they alerted their senses. Strong divine power can be felt miles away from it. They needed to be careful.

When was the last time they have used their powers? Its been so long as they grew accustomed to being a mortal, Shina was afraid that she might forget how to use it.

"Naru," Shina clutched at Naru's robe.

Naru reached to her hand and held it. His hands turned cold., back to the days they knew nothing of the human dimension.

As they started to get nearer to the cave, they saw a silhouette of someone besides the entrance. Someone was guarding it. They both stopped when they realize who it was.

"Father," Naru muttered.

Their father was sitting, unmoving from the stone door. Eyes closed but his divine aura was pulsating as if throwing off guard all who dare to come near.

And they do dare.

Shina and Naru landed on their feet as light as feather. They walked towards it and stopped a few meters away from it. Izanagi then opened his eyes and looked at them.

His eyes were dark and cold but the moment his eyes dawned in them, it softened but then stood up and held the hilt of his sword.

"I know you came back for your mother," Izanagi said. "But you have to fight me to get her out. I made a mistake once and this time, I would not do that mistake again. Even if you are my son and daughter."

Shina bit her lips as she looked at Naru. They knew that they are no match for their father. And fighting him was futile.

"Father," Shina tried to approach but Izanagi drew his sword that made her stop. "I want to confirm on something." Shina looked at Naru again before continuing. "Did mother cursed us?"

Izanagi's hand fell on his side as he averted his eyes away from them. "did you love someone so much that you'd be willing to risk everything?"

China and Naru looked at each other again before nodding to their father.

Izanagi closed his eyes tightly as if wanting to erase the answer that they have given. "Your mother, Izanami, drowned in hate and anger, cursed every heavenly being to be doomed to love someone and lose them for eternity."

"Then that means…Yu…Yu, he's gone…" Shina burst into tears as Naru hid her in his arms. "Shina…What about Yu? What should I do now? I want to see him, Naru. I want to see him. Please." her tears flowed like a river along with all the memories that they had. All the kisses and embrace that they had.

It will only be a memory now.

"But she said it will only end if she would get out from there," Naru then interjected. Angry. Confused.

Izanagi shook his head. "I cannot let this dark miasma spread all over this land. It will be our doom. No God can save all of this from that darkness."


"Then all we can do is wait."

Shina started to wither in Naru's arms. How long will she wait? Will she be able to see him again? Will he remember her when that time comes?

"I want to see him," Shina mumbled. "I want to say goodbye. I want to feel him again. Please," Shina pleaded.

But Naru just embraced him as he silently cried with her. Izanagi doesn't want to see his daughter's tears and just look away. No one can do anything. Not even them, who were deemed to be the most powerful in the land.

They have all the eternity and hope that the waiting will be shorter than their lifetime.

*****END OF CHAPTER*****


please let me know if we have the same feelings...