SERI watched Sora as he made his way to the dining table. In his hands was his mobile phone that not once he had seen that his son had put it down. Always on his hands. Always tapping on it. Always checking up on it.
He looked at his wife, her eyebrows were almost at the ceiling and he knew why. He looked back at his son and just waited for the bomb to blow.
"Hosuseri Inoue," Sara put down his bowl of rice with a thud.
Seri quickly held on to it before his wife made pieces of a broken bowl in his rice. Sara just looked at her dismissed him when he smiled.
"I thought we have a rule that whenever we are in front of our food, all gadgets…and newspapers are not allowed." Sara's eyes went from Sora to him.
He just smiled again and put down his newspaper before her anger shifted from his son to him.