Road to...

FINDING a number was the last thing Dandy could think she would do now as a mortal. She never thought that in Sora's world, everything is in number. Your height, your weight, money to buy all the things you need and want. Even now. Her proficiency to academics and language are in number.

She was now waiting for the email of the result of her exam. With her, waiting in bith of her sides are Une and Reo. Ume who werr busy with her mobile phone and talking over a phone call while Reo who was ready to smack her if ever she fails.

Dandy was more worried about Reo getting angry than Ume. She knows Ume would just forgive her but Reo, she does not want to talk about it. Reo had been the one who thought her everything about the exam and if she fails, he fail as a tutor.

But she was confident. She knew she could make it. So, she sat there confidently with her arms crossed and leaned comfortably in the chair, imitating Reo. Only Reo does not looked calm.