Found Out

**** I feel so guilty doping this as I was too sleepy last night that I have slept after my duty. I just woke up to take a bath and hit the sack after. I just came back now since we are a little free at the office. But I really want to drop everything now. Leave the drafts there and delete all of the chapters and just compile the drafts to one chapter or two.

I feel guilty. But what can I do when juggling twoi works and dwindling mental and physical health is at stake. My astigmatism is acting up again. I can't even my right eye properly as it aching badly. I'm ghitting my head so just to numb it from the stinging pain. 

I want to stop this but how can I do that when poverty is always slapping me in my face. I cannot stop now. I'd die if I do. And I'd die if I wont do.
