A Miserable Fate

But his sister was still busy dancing around the battleground. Displaying several layers of shocking moves and attacks. 


One of the obuns slashed downwards with its scythe, and the little girl used her glaive to make an overhead block, but noticed that her glaive was stuck.

Then she caught sight of two other obuns moving in from the sides, looking to chop her into pieces.

The little girl simply slid a foot forward to reduce the gap between her and the obun tugging at her glaive.

A kick to the balls caused the obun to free its hand and clutch its balls. Retrieving her weapon, the little girl spun on the spot, swinging her glaive in a smooth circle, beheading all three obuns in one smooth move.


She heard a deeper roar that was stronger than all the dead obuns combined, and looked up ahead to see their leader bolting towards her with a level of ferociousness that bordered on total madness.
