A Recipe For Life & Death

"I had been thinking we had three months to simply create a new shelter atop the plateau. But now, it seems we will have to gather resources, build the shelter and also erect some defenses around it; all within these three months." Dara frowned slightly.

He was just saying something about not setting impossible tasks for themselves, and in less than half an hour, they were being forced to take on such a task.

"Well, if one is determined and courageous enough, nothing would be unachievable or impossible." Min consoled.

"We need to work hard and quick. Furthermore, there's need for changes in our plans." Dara thoughtfully muttered as Lin entered after preparing the fur, leather and meat from their game.

"We should get some sleep, and set out as early as possible tomorrow. We have tons upon tons of work to do." Dara continued whilst staring at the lamp in his hands.