A Young Man

They would get home and the siblings would watch him writhe in pain for hours on end. What's worse, he could scream or yell lest he attract the roaming beasts, thus, he could only suffer in silence. 

After about a week, Dara got accustomed to the pain, and then went for their queen. This one was not only bigger, but her venom had a reverse-anesthetic effect.

This time around, they didn't go to work for two days. Dara kept throwing up, his body kept burning up, and he felt so weak, that he couldn't even lift a tofu and he only recovered after three days. 

In the first week of the third month, Dara focused on speed, and he did that by doubling his work output of the previous month in half the time, whilst still visiting the 'queen of hell'; as he named it, for his daily dose of pain.