An Extremely Valuable Secret

"He usually repeated one quote to me, time and time again, and it said;

'One who understands the behavior of a fish to its most familiar level won't need to fish before he catches one, but those who on the other hand do not know much about the fish would spend ages by the river bank and end up not catching the sight of a single one.

"He told me that, for the fisherman who has studied the behavior of the fishes, all he needed to do was to act it, and the fish wouldn't know any better and flock towards him to mingle."

"But as for the other fisherman, he would forever appear as an anomaly to the fishes whenever they see him, and they would be compelled to stay as far away from him as possible."

"My father was someone who knew many secrets of the Kingdom of Shangri La. He discovered how the natural energy of the entire planet was distributed, and how one could use that knowledge to their benefit."