A Domineering Arrival

His blood meridian provided him with an insanely pure and rich blood, and one doesn't need to explain the advantages of having an extremely pure, potent and mineral rich blood;

The rest of his meridians all had self-explanatory abilities, only on an inhumane level…

Thus, if Aunt Lin could be smitten when he only unlocked a few 8 Great Meridians, one could imagine the difference of an additional 12 Principal Meridians which compounded all these effects by twelve fold.

Then if one should consider the fact that Dara actually had 96 Principal Meridians; that means the changes his body was experiencing at the moment was 144 times the normal [12 X 12 = 144]…

Thus, Aunt Lin's temptations weren't baseless, because of three reasons;

One, no one would be able to easily adjust to a 12 fold increase in another person's beauty without being dazzled;