The Tier 1 Qi Stone Farm

The First Elder instantly went to explain the plan to the rest, and after confirming that the now understood what the plan was, he returned to Dara who settle his mind before slowing down his heart rate completely as he fell limp on the First Elder's arms.

He had a muscle meridian, thus, controlling his heart rate was a piece of cake.

The First Elder carried Dara and approached a little cave that was located beneath a mountain hidden within the dense jungle, and the moment they got to the entrance and were about to enter;

Sheen! Schweein!

The sound of blades cutting through the air resounded all over the area as the First Elder saw two different glints pointed at his head and neck;

"Who are you?"

"State your intentions for coming here?"

Two expert guards who abruptly appeared beside the First Elder asked as the Obun pointed towards Dara before replying;

"Meat sac for Qi Stones…"
