Mysterious Visitors

The mere proof that people actually lived within this part of the jungle and that they had the nerves to attack the Qi Stone Farm was more than enough proof for his scheme.

Dara's group who had luckily escaped a tragic fate took their random route back home despite being an entire hour longer than normal, but they didn't mind; they had discovered what they were after, and it was time to go reinforce themselves and return with a lot of manpower and tool to begin excavation the next day.


Back at the Royal Court…

Behind the Royal Mansion itself stood a courtyard with a beautiful garden decorating the entire outdoor area, which was built on a slightly higher ground than any other structure within the Royal Court.

Then right in the middle of this garden and at its highest point was a pergola, and rather than being a relaxation area, the floor were at first glance looked like it was beautifully designed by a sculptor.