Rapid Changes

"Watching up close isn't the same thing as suffering it in person, and I want the first man perspective." King Tian muttered before leaving the experts behind and leaving for his chambers.

"Worm, where have you been all this while keeping me waiting for so long!?" The voice of an angry female greeted King Tian the moment he entered his private chambers.

"I'm sorry, your partner was sparring with my Guards and I went to check if I could learn a thing or two…" King Tian replied with an awkward smile as he began to undress.

"Hmph! I must punish you by teaching you a thing or two in here."

The feminine voice spoke with anger which no one knows if was genuine or fake, but King Tian indeed rushed into his king sized bed with gusto as he came up on what seemed to be the girl that came along with those guys.

"Hmph! You are lucky that I simply have a thing for older men."