The Harvest Celebration

After two solid hours of plowing, Dara was dressed up by Elder Lin in leather which they had obtained when two huge stray beast thought they could take down the tribe, only to find themselves on a chopping block ten minutes later.

Dara came looking slightly exhausted from ploughing Elder Lin, but also refreshed after busting two nuts in a quickie and taking a nice soak in steaming water shortly after.

People saw Aunt Lin's rosy cheeks and thought maybe it was because she was the one in the spotlight today, but they were bound to never know any better.

Then shortly afterwards, everyone including the watch guards headed over to the farm for the harvest, they would be only gone for an hour, and they didn't think anything extraordinary could happen before then.

After all, it would take at least more than three to five hours for any invader to get past the ring of death or break down their twenty meter tall steel reinforced gates and walls.