The Clinic

"Oh no worries, I've found something similar to what I shared with Elder Lin in her…"

Elder Min responded as he looked into his room where a lady rested almost stark naked if not for the sheets covering some parts of her body;

"I'm really happy for you…" Dara revealed;

"I am too, for you that is…" Elder Min replied;

"To think my first work today would be to sort all these piles and heaps of gifts…" Dara sighed;

"You don't need to worry about that, you both can leave it to your ladies…" Elder Lin spoke as she stepped out of Dara's residence;

"Elder Min…"

"Elder Lin…" The duo greeted one another as Elder Min looked to Dara;

"Give me a few minutes and we will head over to the smithy together; Elder Wang and Elder Smith said they both needed to see you for something really important…" Elder Min reported;

"Oh… alright then…"