One Vs Three

"What sword art was that!?"

Cheng blurted in shock as they looked towards Fu who was already half exhausted and then looked over to Dara who seemed like he was still only warming up.

'How's that possible!?' Su's heart trembled as she watched Dara slowly walk over to Fu.

'He should only be at the peak of Meridian Formation Stage, how can he stand up to senior brother who is on the Bridge into Dan Formation!?' Su thought in bewilderment before she was once again interrupted by the First Elder.

What they didn't understand was that, though Dara had was only at the Peak of Meridian Opening stage, his strength was already comparable to an expert in the 3 Star Dan Formation stage.

This was because, asides from his meridians being stronger, wider and thicker than theirs, the sheer number of his meridians were leagues above theirs.