Massive Unrest Within The Tribe

"But what will you do when you do get found out?" Another voice abruptly floated towards the figure covered in bush.

The bushy figure nearly jumped out of his skin, but quickly regained his composure as he responded to the voice like he had been expecting tis person to show up.

He turned around to face the owner of the voice and his eyes couldn't help but widen like he had just seen a ghost.

"Then we simply leave take some souvenirs along with us which we will use to point the entire situation towards those guys."

The First Figure quickly hid his shock as he replied the Second Figure who was just stepping out of the dense foliage;

"I believe Master will be pleased with how things have panned out so far?"

The Second Figure who just stepped out of the bush turned towards another part of the bush as a Third Figure stepped out and replied with a feminine voice;

"Hmph. I am not interested in that petty little throne."