Recognizing Eachother's Importance [2]

After another half hour, Dara began to speak some sweet nothings to her; the sweet nothings he knew made her tick; the ones that made her behaver like a spoilt little princess; the ones that makes her realize that he was truly the one.

She had already developed heavy eye-bags from shedding tears but Dara made all of that and her wait and grief worth it by speaking to her, as softly and lovingly as he could which helped her recover from her grieving state as quick as possible.

Then as a result, by the end of the day, Aunt Lin had approached him with a kiss; no groping or touching or erotic intents. It was like she was checking to see if it was truly him from the way he kissed her.

It was subtle, repeated and probing to some extent, and as if knowing what was running through her head, Dara allowed confirm all her suspicions; heck, he was willing to allow her do whatever she pleased at this point.