F*ck Me Sideways!

"The best we can do now is wait here for his return and pray that he gets at least a Gold Link." Long sighed as Sam palmed his forehead in frustration;

"Good luck kid, may you find the best possible Link."


But back within the Divine Scape;

"Alright, I can do this... Every man for himself... All I'm looking for is a Gold Link." Dara muttered to himself as he looked around.

This new Scape was different; it was calm and there was nothing pushing him down or up; he could walk around if he wanted to.

But there was a strange thing happening here; everything was dark and he couldn't see anything at all, but just as he took a step, it was as if he activated the entire scape as everything lit up, from his position, outward in every direction and into the distance.

"Oh, here they are."