Eight Hundred-Forty Qi Stones!

"A hundred and fifty Qi Stones should be enough then, and if there're some left, I can easily return them to the vault." Aunt Lin added but all the elders shook their heads, rejecting her idea.

"It was the tribe leader who risked his life to get all these Qi stones in the first place, so even if he decides to keep the remaining Qi stones for himself, we wouldn't still disagree." Elder Ting corrected.

"True. In fact, the more the better. Since the stronger the leader gets, the better it is for the entire tribe, so we wouldn't even mind if he needs more after this." Ji Long chipped in as all the elders nodded in full support.

"Alright, it's decided then. We can give him a hundred and fifty for now, and if he ends up needing more, we would just give him more." Ji Wang concluded as all the elders grabbed all the needed Qi Stones before marching back to the plateau.