This Is So Not fair

Then the moment the oblivious Dong tribe warriors got within range, these figures gazed towards a nearby treetop where a lady clad in blackish grey amour could be seen.

This lady's hand which seemed to have been held up for a while suddenly dropped, and instantly, all hell was set loose on these invaders.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

The Dong tribe warriors didn't know how or where everything had gone wrong but several vicious and poison coated arrows kept raining down on them like torrential rain.

"Take cover! Take cover!" Their leader bellowed at the top of his lungs as his men scattered all over the area like powder in the presence of a strong wind.

"In the trees!" One of the warriors bellowed just before an arrow impaled him in the throat.

The Dong tribe leader did a quick count of his remaining men, and could estimate about two hundred of them.

He had lost about a hundred men due to his carelessness and he was severely enraged.