Ghost King Steps + Eight Fists Of Vengeance!

Seeing more than a hundred sharp, serrated and heavy weapons streaking towards him, Dara obviously couldn't evade them all, and was thus he was forced to block.

[Elder Smith, here goes another test for your new amour.] Dara thought to himself as he summersaulted into the air and curled himself into a ball.

Clang x5!

The armours sparked slightly as they stood their grounds from the onslaught of the weapons.

Dara grinned in joy and promised to reward Elder Smith for a job well done. He dodged the remaining weapons and by the time he landed, he found himself already surrounded by more than seventy warriors.

His eyes shrunk as an insane level of pressure then descended on him.

His brain went into overdrive and activated a strange feeling within him.

A feeling which wasn't born of fear or anxiety, but instead, delight and recklessness.
