Not Good!


[How's that possible?!] Sam and Dara couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Dara for one knew how much strength his fighting techniques and martial arts brought to him; from the 'Willow Leaf Palm' to the 'Eight Fists of Vengeance' and even the 'Ghost King Steps', but now the Old Patriarch was telling them that they couldn't even hold a candle to the benefits of the gem?

[In the King stage, these beasts awaken their bloodlines and are granted a boost in stats based on the nature of their ancestor. For instance, this monkey had already displayed insane regeneration capabilities, and its agility would definitely be enhanced as well.]

[Furthermore, all other stats would also have increased slightly, but all these is just due to its awakening and the emergence of the core.]

[At this point, those power are still granted and not completely controlled by the beast.]