The Signal

Though they were confident in a drawn out victory, should the obuns retreated into their tribe, then they wouldn't be able to achieve their goals, which was to conquer the tribe and then obtain the obun-controlling technique they were after.

If they fail in this mission, then the sheer number of warriors they had lost today would mean today's battle was fruitless, and that would definitely count this battle as a loss; a result the Wang Tribe Leader would never accept.

But the moment he gave the order, his men broke out of formation and scattered after the fleeing obuns, an action which left them wide open.

"That's the signal, engage!" Aunt Lin ordered as all the ladies with her nocked their bows and aimed, not at the chasing Wang tribe warriors, but the ones left behind.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

Hundreds of arrows took to the air and approached the oblivious Wang tribe warriors with venomous speed.

Thud! Thud! Thud!