Curse of a Romance Novel (2)

It couldn't be helped. The fox woman thought. As long as those readers weren't directly affected by the curse, they could wash their hands of their sins and blame the author for her untimely demise. Not that the author didn't do wrong, but she was still at fault for committing the crime of killing herself, forbidding her soul from entering the spiritual realm and soon facing tribulation to pay for it. 

After all, killing oneself was considered a great crime in the spiritual realm, and most humans that killed themselves ended up as grim reapers until they earned redemption along with their rights to be reborn in their next life. 

As for whether the novel was indeed cursed or not, it was really hard to tell if it was merely based on testimonies. Not that it was impossible for such a curse to exist, but the important thing for a curse to get activated was for someone to fulfill the rules it set.