"Hey, who does this asshole think he is to blackmail my wife like that?" Glax squeezed the small piece of soft leather with hatred and concern.

One more thing to worry about. The uncertainty of what awaited him as a widower of Chriseis at the Kroton house was not enough, a blackmailer was in possession of some information about the famed general.

What did he mean by 'I'm like you now?'

His mind wandered through several theories, without getting anywhere. The only thing he was sure about was he must be prepared for the worse.

The next morning, as soon as day dawned, there was a ritual at the temple, in which Glax paid little attention because he had a headache and a grumbling stomach. They agreed to have a meal in some tavern at the port and if things were prepared, just head north as soon as possible.

Just as their group was descending the stairs of Hyperion's temple to return to the port, they were met by something unexpected.

A middle-aged woman, dressed elegantly in the usually stark echelian style, was waiting for them in the middle of the square.

Beside her were two children, also noble and proud, looking at them with very serious expressions. The woman wore a brooch with the symbol of the Rhoas, as well as Rasmus_ a star with several long points. Behind this family, there were servants and chariots.

Even though it was so early in the morning, there were already many people in the square of the provincial capital, who barely disguised their curiosity.

Glax and Rasmus exchanged a confused look. He glanced at the Rhoas Sorcerers with them, and noticed Oraste barely containing a sarcastic smile.

As soon as the lady saw them, she came towards the group.

"Lord Kroton! Lord Oraste! Lord Rasmus! May the Ascended Gods bless you! I am Helena, wife of Likomedes… In the name of the Rhoas I extend the hospitality of our home to such noble travelers! Please have a meal at our house, wash your feet, before you leave. We are ashamed for not knowing you were in the city."

"Okay," said Rasmus. "Thank you, lady. We thought the archon had reasons for not wanting to host us. I was intrigued because I always heard that a Krios is very proud of his hospitality, but... Lord Likomedes is rude even for an ignorant plebeian, shall I say that? Did you happen to also marry a commoner?" he shrugged.

The woman turned red as a pepper, and her children held their breath. Glax pursed his lips, trying not to facepalm at Rasmus words. 'He was doing so well…'

"I heard Lord Likomedes was born a nobleman. Lady Helena, for my part at least, I appreciate your hospitality and graciousness. Continue on the good path that our ancestors taught us. Keep educating your children not to forget all the principles, as your husband forgot." Oraste said. The woman pursed her lips in shame, enduring the words of another Rhoas.

They looked at Glax, waiting for his answer.

"Why, I always heard only good things about the Rhoas, madame. I mean, Lady Helena. Out of respect for your generous offer, I think..." Glax didn't finish his sentence, though.

His attention was diverted by the rash entrance of a chariot drawn by two horses - a biga _ raising dust in Tyrale's main square. The group soon identified that it was Archon Likomedes arriving at high speed.

The governor stopped between the group and his family, raising even more dust over them.

'Why, he's lot less a sport than he wanted me to be...'


"You did not offer hospitality to the Astrodome Grand Master, nor to the Armoric Games Champion, nor to Priestess Jolla's husband!!!" The woman promptly countered when her husband got out of the carriage and used his body to intimidate her. "I am ashamed for our house!"

He kept his finger pointed at her nose.


"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE, IT'S A RHOAS HOUSE AND YOU CANNOT ...!" Angrily, the size and aggressiveness of the burly man with the finger did not intimidate the woman at all. But Likomedes didn't admit to being upset, much less in public.

"OH YES?! I rule at home, in the family, in the whole fucking province!" He was close to his wife, and threw a punch that sent her to the floor. The children went in front of their mom to defend her, but Likomedes easily kicked them away, again attacking the injured wife with more kicks.

He didn't have much of a chance to continue, because Glax ran over there and got between them, pointing his sword at the archon. Rasmus quickly grabbed the archon, who, in order to keep some face, moved away, demonstrating that he would no longer attack.

"What is it, old geezer?! Are you drinking from the latrine?! Not only did you offend us, but do you intend to put the Rhoas' name under the rubbish? If you are not ashamed of yourself, at least don't embarrass your children." Glax called him out, realizing that Lady Helena's servants were helping her to her feet.

"YOU INSOLENT PUNK!" howled the archon, with bloodshot eyes and veins popping in his neck. Pointing a finger, Likomedes threatened,

"You survived while Lady Chriseis is dead! What do you think is better than me?!"

"Did it take you a whole day to think about that answer?" Glax responded promptly, without taking the bait.

"LIKOMEDES!" Oraste drew attention to himself. "You must be really courting death, after all this time alive, dealing only with taxes and buildings. This is driving you crazy, taking away your reason. I shouldn't have wanted this, but after seeing how you want to teach your children to ignore the Principles, I wish Lord Kroton to challenge you to a duel. And put an end to your failed existence, as a man, as Rhoas, and as Echelian!"

"This." Glax narrowed his eyes in petty satisfaction, feeling powerful and justified in having the moral support of the Rhoas. The eyes of the archon's wife practically gleamed with the flames of vengeance upon hearing this.

"Can Glax even call a duel against the archon?" Rasmus asked, inflamed and excited by the possibility.

"Yes, he could." Oraste answered simply.

"Yes, I could, but I'm not going to do it because..." Glax spoke out loud, ready to be magnanimous. After all, he didn't know how to fight.


'What?! No, wait! 'Glax turned to his friends, stunned as the subject escalated to a duel in a few exchanges.


"Pffff! Don't be pathetic," Rasmus exclaimed. "If he's afraid of something, it is to rub his arrogant, old ass on the floor and end up with your saggy hide out of you!"

"When age brings wisdom, growing old is not frowned upon. But if your best attribute is strength, not using it at the right time is a waste!" Oraste applied the coup de grace.

"I AM STILL AT THE PRIME OF MY STRENGTH! I can handle this weakling disrespectful kiddo of Valosia! I told you, whenever this two-faced fraud wants it!" The governor laughed loudly, puffing out his chest.

Glax ostensibly measured his rival. In fact, he looked like a more than efficient senior warrior, even though he was a bureaucrat for some reason.

"Right." Glax straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin. "You really need to be beaten, Lord Rhoas. So as not to humiliate your wife in front of strangers, when she tries to fix your shit. We'll duel... As you said, whenever I want. And it won't be now, because I'm too busy for you."


"I am going to take my wife's body to her father's house in the capital. In a triumphal maritime procession. On Hissoria's ships, unless you're going back on your word. And when everything is settled there, I'll be back to give you the biggest beating you've ever taken. You'll tear shit out of your eyes. You will wish you had died before that happened, and you will regret being a boastful bureaucrat who stirred the pride of the Krotons."

"Do you want me to... WAIT?!"

"Why, Likomedes, do you want ME, who wants to fulfill the farewell rites of my wife, the Heroine of the Echelian Clan, General Chriseis, to interrupt everything to duel with you? Does your wickedness have no limits?"

"Wouldn't it be better to set everything now, Glax? Finish this boastful sucker once for all?" Rasmus asked, but the Valosian shook his head vehemently.

"NO! Let him wait! I won't waste another moment here!" Glax turned his back, leaving towards the port. It was better to end this farce before he couldn't get out of the city alive.

At the end of the day, if all went well, he would arrive in the capital, Echelion, where his new life awaited him.

And where he could finally discover what the Hall of Bones was about.hold