"NO!!!!! YOU TRAITORS!!!! YOU WILL PAY ME FOR THIS!!!" Alexandre screamed as he struggled against Glax and Rasmus. They were on the ship that brought supplies from the south to the region, and that would return to Echelion that morning.

The two men were trying to contain the furious Kroton boy, who could not accept his master's decision to send him back home. "I didn't do anything wrong!!! Let me go with you!!!!" He was crying but his tears resulted from his frustration and anger.

He didn't understand why Glax had suddenly decided to go without further ado to Erimos, and also decided that he could no longer be his master.

"It's the best for you! I'm going to Erimos! Go back to your family! You have nothing to learn from me. I'm on a personal mission!" Glax was convinced that following the rules was no longer of any use.