"It's from Valya!" she exclaimed.

"Apparently you've seen more than one, Parin. What else can you know about him?" Glax asked.

She turned the object in her hands, still closed, taking in its details. "It pulses with divine magic, the blood of a god. But there's something else." She put the watch next to her ear, and listened for a long time. Glax was apprehensive that the artifact could harm her in any way.

She looked at him seriously. "This watch is broken. I would need more time to figure out what it's really for. It's no ordinary watch. It was made by a master even better than my master, but… If Lord Glax trusts me, I can try to find out what's going on with this wonderful artifact."

"Can you fix it?"

"ME?! Of course not! I'm just a student of Master Arsaces. And a master watchmaker from Valya did this! Someone who could have taught my own master!" She laughed nervously at the possibility while her glowing gaze was fixed on the object.