Adrastos sucked air into his lungs before answering.

"I don't know all the details, Glax. But you are certainly not human. I'll be brief about what you want to know. My former Master, Prince Achmeron, believed the words of the King of Valya and his prophecies. The King of Valya had powerful arguments and forbade him to reveal most of the secrets. But I dare assume they had to do with the gods and everything that goes on in Stygia. King Kaine was as powerful as a god. And his realm under the rule of Night was very fantastic. But the subject is not Valya, it is you. He gave you to Prince Achmeron. And to keep you safe until the right moment, a powerful spell was cast. You should find these objects when the time is right. Each of them has a blessing and a punishment. That's what we were told. If I could tell you more, I would. But I was told that you would have the knowledge at the right time, so the punishments would not come before you were prepared."