This time, Glax returned to Verivos only with Alexandre and Lais. It was necessary for his companions to stay with the Cyclops and the Vselys until they were sure they could be trusted. 

The trip went faster as expected, filled with funny situations between the two teenagers and him. Lais, who had never left Crona, was having fun with the travels and even showed some interest in learning new things. She had loved traveling on the flying ship. She even befriended Kalista and gave her gifts. Still, she was constantly making Alexander a slave of her whims, who happily and obediently complied,seeking only her approval.

This time, however, they didn't take the same route, but got off the ship at Troreus, then rode to imperial territory. From there, they took another ship to Pharys. Glax had hoped to find Medea on the Adriasian Channel near the Imperial capital, but learned at the port that Captain Laerte had left for Delpia a few days ago.