As much as he was concerned about leaving Lais and Edi alone, he needed to risk it to save Malko. Glax believed Malko could solve many things on his own, but if the information about the prison in the tower were even the slightest bit true… It was capable of keeping even a god locked forever.

"What are you going to do now?" his feline-featured sister asked.

"I'll try to go to Malko. I think he will need help. If I'm late getting back, Edi will go to Medea's crew and ask for help, even if Captain Laerte hasn't returned. Get them to ship you both to Echelion."

Edi nodded.

"You're a hero now, big bro. You need to do what you need to do," Lais-sphynx stated.

"I'm glad you know that," he messed with her golden mane.

"I'm going to Echelion and when you come back I'll be adult and powerful," again Lais revealed her ultimate dreams.

"I don't expect to take that long," her brother scratched his head.

"I know you will," she snapped back.