Episode 41: Consequences.

I'm back at the basement of the bar with Avriel and Jariel. Jariel is looking at me.

"I heard everything from her. Thank you for saving my daughter."

Jariel sits down and puts the map on the table. It's the map of the Alliance Kingdoms. Jariel is pointing at one of the kingdoms.

"The eye of Krestan should be in the Bartiven Kingdom. But, Avriel told me that since you stole Krestan's leg, the Aarus Empire transferred the arm to another place. So I believe the Alliance Kingdoms did the same. Because of that, neither Avriel nor I know where they transferred it to since I don't have my men over there, and Avriel is not part of the Eluna Empire anymore."

I'm humming with understanding. Jariel stands up and continues.

"But, we have someone that might know where Krestan's eye is at."

I look at Jariel.


Jariel nods.

"That is right. So let us meet him now. He should know."