Episode 44: Against the three factions. (2)

Kingstar lifts his sword and pointing it at the hooded guy.

"We meet again. I will not let you get away this time."

Queenstar and the commanders of Supremacist Clan are lifting their weapons at the hooded guy. Diamond and Lothair are also pointing their weapons at him. Lothair is smirking.

"We will have a rematch and you won't be the winner this time."

Ivonna and her friends are looking at them. Emma is the only one who can't hold her expression and almost chuckles. Ivonna is looking at Emma and slightly smiles.

Kingstar is looking at Ivonna.

"We will form our own party now. Thanks."

Ivonna raises her eyebrows with understanding.

Everyone is forming their own party with their friends or colleague. Ivonna then looks at every player.