Episode 48: Announcement.

[Voice of the World]

[Sudden Event: Kill the culprit who stole the forbidden items (Failed)]

[The three sovereignty are furious and disappointed towards their players. There is nothing left to say. All three factions are getting punishments. Removed the blessings from the players for 4799hrs 59mins 59secs]

All the players left. Some went back, and some logged out. I'm on my own and went to the woods to rest.

I opened my skill tab. I have unlocked the skill tree for both of my chained sickles and scythe weapons. The skill tree will be unlocked after the weapon mastery reaches level 5. Every basic skill can be upgraded and became a different skill once they reached max level. There will be three options for each skill, and they can choose which one they want.

[Scythe Mastery Lv.7]

[Scythe Skill Tree]