Episode 50: Krestan memories.

I made a chain from the materials I have left and attached it to the sickle. I'm finally can use this sickle. Then I left Forsaken- Clan base since Ivonna or the others were not there, and only their members were resting and lazing in the base. I used the teleportation device and went to the Fjel town then waited until nighttime.

I can see Krestan from the distance. He's standing on the cliff like back then. He turns around and sees me. He smiles happily and approaches me.

"Do you have them?"

I nod and show them to him. He immediately grabs them and runs to his house. I follow him from behind.

Krestan grabs the solution he made to reattach his limbs back. He looks at me.

"Help me out. I need you to hold them until they're fully attached to my body."

I approach him and hold his right arm.




Krestan's right arm is attached to his body. Then I hold his left leg.


