Episode 52: Back to Pit of Hell.

I look at the notification with disbelief. I'm cover my mouth and standing in the middle of the road. I'm afraid and reluctant to open my friend list to check. I look around and walk into the woods. For some reason by going to the woods makes me feel a bit better. I sit down under the tree. I gulp and open my friend list.

[Becker (Online): Currently at (???)]

I click his name and open the message tab. I want to know if this is really Becker or not, but I'm too scared to send him a message.


The sound startled me and I'm looking at the message with my mouth wide open.

[Haha, you finally found me. How are you doing, Trev?]

[Becker? Is this really you?]

[Uhh... it's a yes and no at the same time. If this is the real me, then I shouldn't be dead, right?]

[Then, are you an A.I.?]