Episode 61: Loslan Village.

I log in and waiting for Ivonna from where we were at yesterday. She messaged me this morning and said that she's about to log in, and I hurriedly went to the basement and logged in. While waiting for Ivonna, I check my inventory and read the soul essences I got from yesterday's farming. I have 16 [Giant Scorpion Soul Essence], [7 Sturdy Sandworm Soul Essence], [4 Dessert Great Falcon Soul Essence], [5 Fanged Charmeleon Soul Essence], 3 [Deadly Grasshopper Soul Essence]. I immediately consume all of them.

[Giant Scorpion Soul Essence: DEX+1, additively increase Skill Damage by 1% when consumed]


[Sturdy Sandworm Soul Essence: VIT+1, DEF, and MDEF+2 when consumed]


[Dessert Great Falcon Soul Essence: AGI+1, additively increase SPD by 1% when consumed]


[Fanged Charmeleon Soul Essence: STR+1, additively increase Damage Output by 1% when consumed]
