Episode 81: Main event. (5)

As soon as the match begins, Hans and Leonardo ran toward the mountain and started to climb it as high as possible with 300 players from Hans's team. On the other side, Reinhardt with his team also on their way to climb the mountain. Hans and Leonardo saw them and started to showers them with arrows and spells. Reinhardt dodged them and took a cover under a big rock, but some of his players couldn't dodge it and die.

Reinhardt couldn't run away nor go forward to climb the mountain since Hans already had his eyes on him. Reinhardt grabbed an arrow and put it on his bow. He pulled it as hard as he could. He used [Aimed Shot] and as soon as the charge of that skill completed, he stood up and turned around. He aimed at Hans and both of them released their arrows and hit each other. Hans got thrown away and he lost 40% of his HP and Reinhardt got poisoned because the arrow Hans used was a poison arrow.