Episode 84: Final Match. (2)

All the spectators looked at the status board screen and the prediction screen.

[Forsaken- (Alliance) (1.000.184)] [Supremacist (Aarus) (3.101.396)]

[Forsaken- (Alliance) (39%) vs. Supremacist (Aarus) (61%)]

Normally, nobody would root for the clan that has a 39% win chance. Nobody would regret predicting the strongest clan as the winner of this match, and nobody would question the probability of the Supremacist Clan winning the match with that prediction screen in front of them. But It's all happening right now inside their heads as they see a hooded guy wearing a mask and red scarf while holding a scythe on his right hand and hanging a chained sickle on his left hand walking towards the keep inside the fortress on the arena.

The infamous, the rumored player that has been around for almost a month. A player that killed a hundred of thousand players and all the top 10 players in one hour. Azrael, the Angel of Death.