Episode 93: A tour inside the mansion.

Everyone is looking at me with disbelief. I laugh at their expressions and then tilt my head toward the door.

"Let's get inside, I'll give you guys some tours around the mansion."

They're still looking around the mansion and look at each other in shocked expressions. When we are standing in front of the door, they all can see the fingerprint scanner beside it. I put my hand on it and then the door opens.

As soon as they see the inside of the mansion they all drop their belongings on the floor. Not just because of how fancy and massive the inside of the mansion is, but the maids and servants are standing in line and bowing at us.

Ernes smiles and bows.

"Welcome to the mansion, Master Trevor, and of course our distinguished guests. Please let us carry your belongings to the room you all want to stay in, we already prepared 16 rooms for our guests and you can choose which room you want."

I smile and nod.

"Thanks, Ernes."