Episode 109: Chaotic. (2)

Kingstar and Queenstar noticed something felt off because they didn't hear anything other than their swords hitting the Hecatomb Arachne for quite a while. They both looked at Queen Arachne and Aksevel's minions were no longer there. There was only a woman battling against Queen Arachne with other players. Kingstar looked at the other side where Boschwell is at. He was surprised that Aksevel is dead and all his men as well.

Kingstar looked at the other side where Ken is at. He was surprised to see Trevor in this area and on his way towards Ken. He instantly knew who killed those players and Aksevel. He somehow felt relieved, but at the same time, he also felt threatened by Trevor's presence in this place. He looked around and searched for Ivonna. He spotted her in the forest with her friends, but he noticed that they're not paying any attention to him or Queen Arachne. They were staring at Trevor from the distance.

Queenstar looked at Kingstar.