Episode 128: Butterfly Effect.

Azrael and Grisell's Amruchi are growling while staring at the space. We both are looking at our own Amruchi and it seems that they're angry at something. The players around us are still staring at the space, and then most of them are logging out because they don't like the feeling of the atmosphere.


Becker is messaging me.

[Trev, we need to meet ASAP. There's something important I want you to listen to. Are you busy?]


[What is it?]

[No, I'm not busy at all, so tell me where you are and I'll be there.]


[No, I'm on my way to where you at right now. Just wait for me.]



I look at Grisell so seriously.

"Grisell, you might need to tell everyone what's going on right now. I'm going to meet my friend because there's something important that needs to be discussed."