Episode 147: The Invasion. (13)

Alessandro is the one who handles the Cruzm Kingdom, and right now everyone can do nothing but run away from Shazjae. For a massive monster that is taller than the empire state building, it moves pretty quickly and nobody can handle it from destroying and flattening the Cruzm Kingdom. So many players are trying to aggro it and lure it outside the city, but Shazjae keeps on rampaging and kills so many players and NPCs that are below it.

Alessandro's mind is going blank and he can only watch from the distance. Every player is busy escorting and evacuating the NPCs since that's their only objective. If they can't handle Shazjae, at least they can try to save as many people as they can. Fortunately, Kingstar and all the Aarus Empire's faction players are close to the Cruzm Kingdom, and they're on their way there.

(At the border of the Maryoca Kingdom and the Cruzm Kingdom.)