Episode 156: Battle of Shazjae. (7)

Leo was woken up by the rumbles and the ground shaking while Hans was still asleep. Leo checked on the fight and Trevor seemed to be staying on Azrael's back. It seemed that he got the exhausted debuff on him and he couldn't do anything else except to keep Shazjae busy. Leo looked at the debuff duration, and its 30 minutes left. Leo woke Hans and they both walked around the walls and towers to check the ballistae and trebuchets conditions. After knowing that all the weapons are fine on their side, they both watched Trevor while waiting for the others to enter the city.

Ivonna and the others stood in front of the marked ground that Kingstar made with his sword. They waited and looked at the time impatiently. Everyone was anxious for some reason. It was either because Shazjae might be using another skill that could wipe the players or because the invasion is about to end in less than a day.