Episode 159: Battle of Shazjae. (10)

All the players fought their best to hold Shazjae down for 3 hours. Some even threw their weapons at him because they had no other choice. They lured Shazjae back to the city while the knights and the generals showered Shazjae with bolts and boulders. They never thought that their plan would be efficient and went smoothly even though they sacrificed a lot of their friends and clan members to do it. Shazjae was so aggressive that he didn't show any mercy to them. He swung his tail around and stomped the players without even looking at them first.

Shazjae opened his mouth and cast the ball of light toward the knights and their artillery. The generals then fired the bolts toward his mouth to stop him from forming the ball of light in his mouth. They found out that Shazjae could be interrupted during that, and Shazjae won't use it for the players that are near to him because it would backfire on him.