Episode 163: Pursuivant, Apostles, and Disciple.

Obrellian is staring at Aldran and raises her eyebrows.

"Aldran, I think they are here because of something else, and we should guide them first rather than celebrate for their achievement. You can play with them later on."

Aldran looks at Obrellian while clicking his tongue and groaning in annoyance.

"Fine! We can party later."

Aldran crosses his arms while staring at us. We can tell that he's judging us from our appearance and equipment. He nods and then clears his throat.

"The reason why Betelgeuse summoned you all here is that we will tell you some important things that every one of you needs to know about being a hero. You don't have to worry about it will be a burden or something like that. Being a hero is like living the dream. You can do anything you want in Orion and nobody would dare to stop you. Well, of course, the other heroes can."

Loslathan is glaring at Aldran.