Episode 174: Dungeon of Offering.

Cleadlyn then looks at me.

"I have sent a message to Lady Ezira, you can wait here for a bit and she will be here in a minute."

I nod.

"Thank you."

Cleadlyn nods and then leaves. I'm looking around while waiting for Ezira to pick me up. I open my friendlist and check the others, and based on the information on the screen, they're still inside the dungeon and it seems that they're trying to get some information about the dungeon. I just hope that they're not seriously going to clear it on their own.

The sound of footsteps of someone wearing greaves is coming towards me. I look back and there she is, Ezria "The Empress" Alexus with her full plate armor and a gown inside the armor. She smirks and looks at me.

"You are back, Trevor. You came sooner than I thought, I'm impressed."

I nod.

"I know my way back here, so yeah."

Ezira is squinting her eyes while smiling.

"Interesting... anyway, let us head to my floor."